The community members are discussing an issue with displaying a Marimo table based on multiple filters, such as date range. They are trying to set the environment variable MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES to increase the maximum acceptable output size, as their output size is sometimes over 13 MB. However, they are still encountering issues even after setting the variable to 15 MB. The community members provide code snippets to demonstrate how they are setting the environment variable, and one community member suggests learning more about how environment variables work, providing a link to a guide on setting environment variables in Linux.
Below is the code to set the env patameter : MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES= boto_client.get_parameter(Name=os.getenv('MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES'), WithDecryption=True)['Parameter']['Value']
I am running multiple marimo notebooks using below code "# import marimo #from starlette.applications import Starlette import uvicorn
Create your Marimo ASGI app
server = marimo.create_asgi_app()
for dashboard in app_config.DASHBOARD_MENU: for name, path in dashboard.items(): server = server.with_app(path=dashboard['path'], root=dashboard["root"])
Create a Starlette app and mount the Marimo ASGI app
app =
if name == "main":, host="localhost", port=2718) "
when I set MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES=1500000 while executing I am getting "'MARIMO_OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."