On a notebook I created recently, I started running into a weird behavior where double-clicking on text (e.g., to highlight that word) sometimes (not always?) seems to turn that text element into an "anchor" (double quotes because I made that up - not sure what to call it). Once that's happened, any further clicks in that cell will automatically snap the cursor back to the "anchor" point. It seems to also occasionally turn those points into links (if the anchor is defined in another cell), where clicking any instance of the anchor in that cell will snap the cursor to the definition of the anchor text (e.g., some other cell).
Refreshing the page seems to clear this behavior, and so far it only seems to be this one notebook - has anyone else seen similar behavior? Did I toggle a setting that enabled this and just didn't notice doing so?
Apologies if this seems dumb; I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. The workaround (refreshing the page) is an inconvienence, but not enough to drive me back to Jupyter 😆