The community member wants to indicate to users that they need to press a submit button after making changes to some inputs. They tried using a callout, but found it too excessive. Instead, they want a more subtle approach, such as changing the button color to red to differentiate it from the standard button.
In the comments, another community member suggests using the "kind" argument on the button, which can be set to "neutral", "success", "warn", or "danger" to change the button's appearance.
I want to give a hint to the user, that they need to press a submit button, if they have made changes to some parts of the inputs. To do this, I want to nudge them by changing the color of the button to red. I tried with callout, but it seems a bit excessive as it just places a large box around my element. Instead I want to make it more subtle, but still visibly different from the standard button color